Technical Service & Support

Service & Support

Efficient repair service
Our experienced team of service engineers and our workflow ensure the reliable and customer-oriented processing of any service issues and keeps the breakdown periods of your units very short.

Short-term spare parts service
Our efficient spare parts service will help to reduce breakdown periods to a minimum.

Loan unit service
We have a number of units ready to be loaned in urgent situations to keep your production going. There are various Thermal Printers available as ‘service loan’ units.

Service and maintenance contracts available
We can set up individual service packages and maintenance contracts to cover your Thermal Label Printer installations.

Advice on your printing applications 
Our experienced staff can offer applications advice on your specific printing requirements.

Free Thermal Label Printing Trial 
Techspan offer free trial label printing for prospective customers. This allows you to determine the effectiveness of Label Prints to your specific requirement.

Support & Service Request

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